Our vision is to grow towards becoming an intergenerational, multi-ethnic, anti-racist, geographically and economically diverse Christian community gathered together and sustained by creative worship, biblically-inspired learning, empathetic ministry, nonviolently disrupting injustice in the world.

Worship Services

Sunday Hybrid Worship @ 10:00 am

No matter how you may join us, in person or on Zoom, you will have a meaningful, interactive, and faithful experience. Doors “open” at 9:55, and worship begins at 10:00. You can also view a live stream of our service on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/fpcpaloalto/ You can view past services in their entirety on YouTube. if…

Peaceful Presence

Multifaith Voices for Peace and Justice hosts “Peaceful Presence,” a monthly prayer service on the evening of the 11th of each month, hosted at various local congregations. These services offer a time of quiet multifaith prayers for peace and strength for the journey and include elements from several religious traditions. All are welcome. JOIN US…