Our vision is to grow towards becoming an intergenerational, multi-ethnic, anti-racist, geographically and economically diverse Christian community gathered together and sustained by creative worship, biblically-inspired learning, empathetic ministry, nonviolently disrupting injustice in the world.

Who We Are

It is often said that you can tell a great deal about a person by their friends. Well, you can also tell a great deal about a congregation by its affiliations and memberships.

FPCPA’s DNA is rooted in a deep call to faith, a passionate yearning for justice, and a vigorous intellectual curiosity. This plays out in worship, casual conversations, and how our community is active outside the church.

We also take seriously the reality that we cannot do and be all in the world, so we partner and affiliate with groups who are better equipped to address issues that we hold in common concern.

We are part of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) DEnomination
and our local cohort, the Presbytery of San José.

We are a PEACE CHURCH. We affirm that nonviolence and peacemaking are essential to our faith in God’s reconciling work in Jesus Christ, as written in our 2016 commitment to being a Peace Church. As such, we work with the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship. Why are we a Peace Church? Listen here for some answers.

We are a MORE LIGHT CHURCH. We welcome LGBTQIA+ people into full membership and leadership in our church and partner with other groups working to extend that welcome throughout society.

We are a SANCTUARY CHURCH. From the Viet Nam War era, through the unrest in Central America in the 80’s, up to our current immigration crisis, FPCPA has been a place of sanctuary and accompaniment. We currently partner with IM4HI in this venture.

We are an EARTH CARE CONGREGATION. Since 2011 we have completed yearly audits to measure how we care for our planet in the areas of Worship, Education, Facilities and Outreach. Our own Cool Planet Group has been active in earth stewardship since 2006.

We are a HUNGER ACTION CONGREGATION. We belong to a group of PC(USA) churches who are responding to the biblical call to help alleviate hunger and end its causes. Each year our Social Justice Group leads numerous activities to educate and involve our congregation in Hunger Action.

Click on the topics below for additional information.

Social Justice
