Our vision is to grow towards becoming an intergenerational, multi-ethnic, anti-racist, geographically and economically diverse Christian community gathered together and sustained by creative worship, biblically-inspired learning, empathetic ministry, nonviolently disrupting injustice in the world.


Music is an important component of Presbyterian worship services, touching our hearts and spirits in a unique way.  The worship service at First Pres usually includes organ and piano music, anthems sung by an adult choir, and hymns sung by the congregation. Occasionally classical and jazz instrumental groups accompany or replace the choir, and sometimes our children and youth get in on the act! See below for upcoming opportunities open to all.


The choir is a dedicated group of volunteers passionate about singing and eager to make our worship services more meaningful through music. Members are also devoted to each other in fellowship. Anyone who has an eagerness to provide his or her voice in praising God is welcome to join the choir! All voices and all ages from high school on up are welcome.

If you are interested in joining at any time of the year, please contact Andy at andy@fpcpaloalto.org or (650)-325-5659, ext. 107.


Please join us for our “pickup choir” every “Second Sunday” for those who are interested. We will meet in the fellowship hall at 9:15 a.m. and practice a simple and beautiful choral anthem that we will then sing at the 10:00 a.m. service during the special music. This October 8, we will sing Marty Haugen’s Canticle of the Sun – a lovely unison rendition of the prayer by St. Francis of Assisi. Please don’t be intimated as you will be able to stand next to strong voices from the choir who will lead you in the melody! This will be a wonderful opportunity for those who love to sing; for those who would like to sing with the choir but can perhaps only come on Sunday; and for those who may consider trying out the choir on a simple and manageable piece of music. Please consider this great opportunity to come sing!

Lent and Advent Services

During Lent and Advent, we often hold a series of short musical services on a weekday evening. We meet by candlelight and sit in silence interspersed with readings and music. In Lent, we use Taize music, and in Advent, we hold Jazz Vespers. These meditative services help us renew our strength and concentrate on the meaning of these waiting times in our liturgical year.