Our vision is to grow towards becoming an intergenerational, multi-ethnic, anti-racist, geographically and economically diverse Christian community gathered together and sustained by creative worship, biblically-inspired learning, empathetic ministry, nonviolently disrupting injustice in the world.

Sunday Morning Schedule

10:00 Traditional —But not Fancy— Worship (HYBRID)

We offer a Hybrid Service where, no matter how you may join us, in person or on Zoom, you will have a meaningful, interactive, and faithful experience. Doors “open” at 9:55 online and in-person and worship begins at 10:00.

You can also view a live stream of our service on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/fpcpaloalto/

You can view past services in their entirety on YouTube.

if you are attending via Zoom…

This is not a live-streamed gathering where you watch worship but an interactive worship experience where we will engage with one another in building community, seeking justice, and growing in our Christian faith.

Click here to connect to Zoom

  • If this is the first Sunday of the month, please bring Communion Elements (Anything that you can eat and a liquid into which you will dip or drink) to share in Communion
  • Be open to whatever the spirit might have in store for us


  • Prelude
  • Welcome and Announcements
  • Centering Chime and Silence
  • Invitation to Chat and Passing of the Peace
  • Scripture Reading
  • Reflection and Chat
  • Music Reflection
  • Prayers of the People and Prayer of Jesus
  • Communion
  • Closing Silence
  • Charge and Benediction

8:30 AM  Early Church (on Zoom)

Early Church is an intimate worship experience. It is a venture in “creating church,” taking its name from its gathering time (early on Sunday mornings) and its aspiration (to capture the spirit of the earliest Christians). This service features prayer, music, and discussion of the lectionary text for the day. Early Church is not recorded.

Contact info@fpcpaloalto.org for the Zoom link.


Let us know if you have any questions and we hope to see you soon!