Our vision is to grow towards becoming an intergenerational, multi-ethnic, anti-racist, geographically and economically diverse Christian community gathered together and sustained by creative worship, biblically-inspired learning, empathetic ministry, nonviolently disrupting injustice in the world.

Welcome to FPC Palo Alto

You are welcome here! First Presbyterian Church Palo Alto welcomes all people into the life and leadership of the church at whatever level they feel called. We do not just accept, but celebrate you regardless of who you love or how you identify. We encourage everyone to seek out their truest expression of themselves as children of God. Our congregation and leadership include people who are lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, queer, and all other genders and gender identities are welcomed and celebrated here.  All people are welcome at First Presbyterian regardless of race or ethnicity.

We are seeking to be an anti-racist church. We recognize that white supremacy infects and harms everyone and we are no exception. Our congregation is currently about 88% White, 7% Asian/Pacific Islander/South Asian,  3% Black/African American/African, and 2% Multiracial. Everyone is welcome here and we recognize we have work to do as we confront white supremacy around us and within us. Our vision is to be a truly multiracial and multicultural church. 

First Presbyterian Church is fully handicapped accessible and we are prepared to make further accommodations to widen our welcome.

We would love you to come and worship with us on Sunday morning both live in our sanctuary and online via Zoom. (Please click here for more information)

If you have questions, please feel free to call the office at 650-325-5659 or contact us via email info@fpcpaloalto.org. We look forward to meeting you face to face in the near future.