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“Ecological Pathways in the Climate Emergency” with Clare Westwood

On Zoom

Presented by First Presbyterian Church

Email: info@fpcpaloalto.org

First Presbyterian Church Palo Alto is excited to host global climate activist, Clare Westwood, for a Zoom conversation on Ecological Pathways in the Global Climate Emergency on September 17th from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. She will present and answer questions based on her extensive experience with issues of food, agroecology, food sovereignty, biosafety, climate change, ecological justice and community resilience.

In the course of her career, Ms. Westwood led a regional campaign with the Asia-Pacific branch of a global NGO (Pesticide Action Network) working on ecological agriculture, food sovereignty and the empowerment of small farming communities. Over the years, she expanded this “Save Our Rice Campaign” to span 16 countries across Asia. Ms. Westwood then went on to become a consultant on building community resilience to climate change in Asia with a German Catholic donor agency. She has also been a writer and researcher on food, agriculture, climate change and agriculture, and biosafety for many years with Third World Network, an international organization working on equitable and sustainable development. She was engaged with a global healthcare organization (Health Care Without Harm), heading its Climate and Health Programme for Southeast Asia, and set up “RISE”, its Southeast Asian Alliance for Health and Climate. Since 2019, she has been the Regional Director of the Roman Catholic Episcopal Commission for Creation Justice of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei after joining it in 2017 as the official delegate for the Penang Diocese. Ms Westwood is also the Co-Founder and Executive Chair of Laudato Si’ Asia – Coalition for Culture of Care, Resilience and Ecological Justice (LSIA-CAREJ). Within her current portfolios, her areas of expertise extend to Laudato Si’ (the Pope’s encyclical of 2015), the ecological church, and culture of care.

“In this time of climate crisis, we are being confronted by all sorts of “solutions”. It is important to discern which are true and which are false, based on values that will guide us as we carve out  new life-giving pathways in rebuilding our world.”

This is a Zoom only presentation. Please register in advance. bit.ly/4cNM7hJ