Our vision is to grow towards becoming an intergenerational, multi-ethnic, anti-racist, geographically and economically diverse Christian community gathered together and sustained by creative worship, biblically-inspired learning, empathetic ministry, nonviolently disrupting injustice in the world.

Keep In Touch

Follow us on Social Media
You can follow FPCPaloAlto on Facebook (facebook.com/fpcpaloalto), Twitter (twitter.com/fpcpaloalto) and Instagram (instagram.com/fpcpaloalto). We also share content on our YouTube channel: First Presbyterian Church of Palo Alto.

Weekly Email
Interested in staying up to date on our upcoming events and activities?  Sign up to receive the First Pres weekly email!  This email goes out every Thursday afternoon as a way for the church staff to send updates about what to expect in worship the coming Sunday and other events in the life of the church. Click here to sign up.

First Pres Google Group (fpcpa@googlegroups.com)
Members of our congregation use this group to keep one another apprised of events and issues of interest. Once you subscribe, you can choose to receive messages as they are posted or in a daily digest, and you can send messages to other First Pres members of the group. To subscribe, click here.