Our vision is to grow towards becoming an intergenerational, multi-ethnic, anti-racist, geographically and economically diverse Christian community gathered together and sustained by creative worship, biblically-inspired learning, empathetic ministry, nonviolently disrupting injustice in the world.

Contact Us

Physical/MAILING Address

First Presbyterian Church of Palo Alto
1140 Cowper Street
Palo Alto, CA 94301-3217

Office Hours: varies please call

Open Monday 9-3, Wednesday 8-1pm, Friday 8-2pm.

General Contact Information

General Email: info@fpcpaloalto.org
Phone: 650-325-5659

Other staff members contact info is listed below.

Social Media Accounts via @FPCPaloAlto

on Facebook (facebook.com/fpcpaloalto)
on Instagram (instagram.com/fpcpaloalto)
on Youtube (youtube.com/fpcpaloalto)

We are listed in gaychurch.org’s Affirming Church Directory – Please visit them to find other welcoming faith communities in your own local area.

News and Notes from First Presbyterian Church Palo Alto

Subscribe to News and Notes (formerly called Back of the Bulletin or BoB), our weekly email blast which goes out every Friday afternoon and contains all the info you need to stay connected with what’s going on at the church.
To sign up, CLICK HERE.

Rev. Tom Harris

Rev. Tom Harris arrived in Palo Alto in 2024 after serving a church in Baltimore, MD for 17 years. During this time in Baltimore City his dedication to racial, gender, and economic justice became central to his faith. He says, “My theology is based on an understanding of God as the source of creation and…

Rev. Kelly Wiant

Kelly Wiant is a pastor who lives in Harrisburg, PA with her wife, Kristen, and their five-year-old daughter, Cora. Kelly served as the associate pastor at Market Square Presbyterian Church for over 20 years. While tending to the whole congregation, her primary focus was leading and coordinating youth ministry as well as AWE, the Alternative…

Dr. Andy Chislett

Originally from England, Andrew Chislett moved to the United States at the age of sixteen. He holds a doctorate in music in organ performance and literature from Indiana University’s Jacob School of Music, where his principal organ teachers were Marilyn Keiser and Christopher Young. Andrew previously studied organ in Seattle with J. Melvin Butler. He…

Tracy Reeves-Fletcher

An East Coast native, Tracy was raised in and around the Church gaining an appreciation for all faiths. She graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University with a BFA and UNC-Greensboro with an MFA. Tracy’s work history includes small business, nonprofits and large corporations. Over the course of her career she has gained experience in office management,…