how to join our zoom worship services

We are so very excited that you are planning on joining us for worship this Sunday.

In order to maintain a space that is as safe as possible, you must pre-register for our services using this link: Once you register Zoom will provide you with a unique link that you can use for this and all following Sundays.

A few things about our Sunday experience:

  • You can join the waiting room at any time.
  • We encourage people to use their preferred names and pronouns.
  • Our doors “open” at 9:55 and service begins at 10:00.
  • At 10:30, we close our meeting, so don’t be late 🙂
  • No bulletin is needed.
  • Our service is recorded and shared on Youtube.
  • We love to see faces, but sharing your video is optional.
  • We encourage folks to use the chatroom throughout the service.
  • We share communion each Sunday, so please bring something to eat and drink.
  • Service ends just after 11:00 after which we have 15 minutes of “coffee hour” breakout groups.

Each service we have Tech Deacons and Greeters who answer questions, share links, and help to keep our space safe and welcoming.

There are so many things you could be doing on Sunday mornings, so we are grateful that you are choosing to spend the morning with us.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email the church office.

See you Sunday!