Rev. Kelly Wiant

Kelly Wiant is a pastor who lives in Harrisburg, PA with her wife, Kristen, and their five-year-old daughter, Cora. Kelly served as the associate pastor at Market Square Presbyterian Church for over 20 years. While tending to the whole congregation, her primary focus was leading and coordinating youth ministry as well as AWE, the Alternative Worship Experience, which she and a small planning team created twelve years ago. Kelly has a passion for the seasons of the church year and worship, especially alternative and creative styles of worship. She has also worked with young people for over 25 years and deeply appreciates their wonderings, questions, and openness. She seeks to connect their spiritual lives to the world around them, understanding that our faith is deeply rooted in our lived experience. She loves gardening, Marvel movies, walks, and scooping kitty litter….. One of those is a lie.

Kelly’s wife, Kristen, owns a pet food store, which means they share their home with eight pets – 5 cats (3 of them kittens!!) and 3 dogs. Three of their beloved pets are in the twilight of their lives making the coming months tender. Cora, a child born of love and science, is in Pre-K part time. She is enjoying splitting her time between school and home with “mama Kelly.” She loves all things cats and often refers to herself as “Cora Queen of Cats.” She has an excellent and scary roar.

Kelly is thrilled to be with you and hopes to offer her gifts to further the spiritual growth of the young people and families of the congregation. She also hopes to enhance what is already creative and meaningful worship at First Presbyterian Church of Palo Alto.